A message of wisdom and hope for an evolving planet and humanity
“This series of books is about all of us. It is about the heart. And so, it is for everyone. I will share with you wisdom and healing from Nature, Gaia and all her Kingdoms. It is a wisdom and healing from all ages, from all places.
The words written on these pages convey more than a message. The very words are blessed by the Divine and by the Cosmic Principles of Love and Grace. Just by reading them you receive healing, initiation and blessings.
This series of books comes at a crucial time. The world is on the threshold of a new era, an age of awareness, compassion and brother/sisterhood. In order to reach this Age of Aquarius, many people and systems need to be transformed and healed. Many answers can be found in Nature. Gaia and the Universe hold the solutions, the support and the nurturing that the people of planet Earth need.
This series of books is a way home, a return to Self. It is about You. It is about All. May these books help you to see that they are One.”
– Fiona
The Books of Gaia is a series of channeled books where Fiona, an embodiment of the Divine Feminine, together with other Light Beings from Earth, share with us a timeless wisdom that can help us to reconnect with Nature, Gaia and the Nature Beings. These easy to understand principles and practical guidelines offer us a way to heal, transform and grow in a holistic way, both individually and collectively.
This series also acts as a window onto the New World that we are co-creating with all of Gaia’s children. Through these books we are offered a view of our coming age of unity and enlightenment where we will once again live in harmony with each other.

In our first book of this series, Fiona, a cosmic embodiment of the divine feminine and a messenger of Gaia, reminds us that we are an inseparable part of the Universe and of Nature. Through beautiful and simple messages, she invites us back into alignment with each other, the environment and the other kingdoms of Gaia.
Ro’Anna, a stunning Light Being and close companion of Gaia, tells her fascinating story of how our planet was created and her part in the unfolding of the divine plan for the Earth.
These two loving beings share a timeless wisdom and a stunning vision of a brilliant future where all the kingdoms of Gaia live in unity and harmony.
“All nature is a reflection of our own being. The forgetting of this elemental truth has led to profound destruction of ecosystems and to the tragic loss of our own humanity. Fiona, as channelled by Tim Biot, is a voice representing the nature kingdoms in their pristine interconnectedness and oneness. She speaks about a communication network that exists between crystals, trees, flowers, animals and humans, and the nature spirits that indwell them all. The popularity of Avatar reflects a deep collective longing for a relationship with the spirit of Gaia as exemplified by the mythical Navi. This beautiful book shows how this is within our grasp, and offers perspectives, meditations and practices to help along the way.”
– Kiara Windrider, author of ‘Year Zero: Time of the Great Shift’, ‘Ilahinoor: Awakening the Divine Human’ and ‘Gaia Luminous’
The Books of Gaia part 1: GAIANA
186 pages
Paperback €20 (+ €5 shipping)
E-book €10
To order: please contact GaianaAcademy@gmail.com
Om te bestellen, neem aub contact op met GaianaAcademy@gmail.com

In our second book of this series, Fiona connects with us again to share a stunning image of our precious planet. She explains how the Earth operates as a living system and shows us the beautiful intricacies of Nature.
We are also blessed by Ro’An, Ro’Anna’s consort (see book 1: ‘Gaiana’). This Deva King of the Elemental world shares his wondrous story of how he came to Earth and his deep understanding of Nature, the planet and the Cosmos.
Easy to do exercises to connect with Nature, the Earth and Gaia are shared throughout the book. These mediations offer a gentle support to heal and transform yourself, to connect with your divine self and to deepen your relationship with Planet Earth and with our Mother Goddess.
This book consists of four parts:
Part 1 offers an overview of our planet, how it works and the similarities with the human body.
Part 2 is a broad explanation of Nature as a living being with Her own consciousness, intelligence and personality. Many guidelines and exercises are shared on how to connect with Nature in a meaningful way.
Part 3 is dedicated to Pachamama, our Earth Goddess Gaia.
Part 4 is the story of Ro’An. He relates the history of his own creation, his adventures throughout the Cosmos and his part in Project Gaiana. He shares with us a timeless wisdom and offers us a return to a balanced and happy life in connection with the Earth and Nature.
The Books of Gaia part 2: PACHAMAMA
306 pages
Paperback €20 (+ €5 shipping)
E-book €10
To order: please contact GaianaAcademy@gmail.com
Om te bestellen, neem aub contact op met GaianaAcademy@gmail.com
‘GAIA’ – Our Earth Mother
Channeled by Gaia & Fiona